
Apple iOS Versions of Electrical Calc Elite

Ver 1.4.5

-Updated for iOS7 support - 9/25/13

Ver 1.4.4

-Updated error message on ParSize function - 7/15/13

Ver 1.4.1

-Minor bug fixes

Ver 1.4

-Added support for iOS6 devices including 4" Retina displays
-Added ability to rotate to landscape on iPad devices.

Ver 1.0

Initial release to Apple App Store on 3/20/2012

Android Versions of Electrical Calc Elite

Ver 2.2.1

Minor bug fix

Ver 2.2

Added ability to adjust text size in preference settings.

Ver 2.1.5

Fixed conversion error with lengths entered in "meters".

Ver 2.1.2

Conduit Type, Motor Type, and Motor Toggle values now persist.  These values are saved when calculator is turned off and on. (These values can be set back to default with the "Clear-All" button)

Ver 2.1

Fixed display issue for Samsung Galaxy Note devices.

Fixed minor resolution bugs with various devices.

Efficiency%, PowerFactor%, VD%, Cu/Al, Wire Insulation Temp, 1ø/3ø, and Ambient Temperature values will now persist. These values are saved when calculator is turned off and on. (These values can be set back to default with the "Clear-All" button)

Ver 2.0.3

Added functionality - Manually entering wire size will now display corresponding wire ampacity.

Ver 2.0/2.0.1

Significant GUI/layout changes

Ver 1.0

Initial release to Android Market - 9/1/2011



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